Thread Veins and Pigmentation

At Synergy we use Lumecca Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy to treat thread veins and pigmentation.

There are several causes and types of pigmentation. Hormonal changes from the contraceptive pill or pregnancy might trigger some pigmentation in younger women, or it can also be a result of acne, which can leave behind dark spots once the lesion has healed. Many people find as they age sunspots appear, which can be the result of sun exposure from when they were much younger.

Thread veins, also called spider veins, are tiny prominent veins just below the skin surface. They can appear anywhere on the body but are more commonly found on the legs and face.


Lumecca IPL is a non-invasive, highly advanced treatment using high-energy pulses of light that travel through healthy layers of the skin. The light is converted to heat when it hits certain tissues, such as those affected by pigmentation or thread veins. Depending on the area that needs to be treated and the type of tissue, different lenses may be put over the Lumecca IPL to target specific areas of the skin with an exceptional level of precision.

It’s ideal for treating dermatological issues that other methods can’t without severe side effects. This same technology can be used to destroy cells as well as encourage the healthy growth of new skin cells in the lower layers of the skin.

It can be used on all areas of the body and is carefully calibrated to seek out specific pigments in the skin. It will repair:

    Skin pigmentation

    Thread veins

    Sun damage


    Light acne scars and rosacea

Compared to other IPL treatments with which you will see results after 4 or 5 treatments, Lumecca IPL is the most potent intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy available, and you should see results after 1 or 2 treatments. An added benefit of Lumecca IPL is that will stimulate collagen and improve skin texture.

Depending on your skin concerns we may feel that Fractora or skin resurfacing treatments are more suited to your needs. We can put together the appropriate treatment plan following a consultation with one of our specialists.

Your Treatment

The treatment is rapid and painless, and you could see rejuvenation after the first treatment.

Initial after effects include redness and slight warming of the skin, which will subside within an hour or two. Over the next couple of days you may see a darkening of pigmented spots, however during the following weeks, the pigmented lesions flake off, resulting in an even skin tone.

After treating thread veins, you may see the vein blanch and disappear, or you might notice a colour change, which will go after a few days.

We recommend that you avoid direct sun exposure for a month prior and post-treatment, and that you use a high SPF for several weeks after treatment. Makeup may be applied straight after the procedure.